New Year New Eel Report
eel been busy baybee
Blind eels and Sparky's Studio
aka how I spent the end of November
Holiday Gift Giving Guide
Books Obvi, Eel and Crocodile Hungry Themed— basically everything you could ask for and more
Saying Goodbye to my Torpor State
Seasons change and I'm finding my creative footing again
May Day Eel Report
"mayday" sounds like the French word m'aider, which means "help me"
Springtime Eel Report
It's elver season in Maine, beloveds, where's my notepad.
Pretend it's Still February
Book Launch Month and then the Next Month Sneaked In There
Swapping Eels for Writing and Publishing Thrills
a little less about eels and more about traditional publishing, forgive me
End of the Year Eel Report
the eels made it over some dams and so can we, beloved
Hot Eel Summer
and also some reading and a publishing update